Have you tried before Kueh Tiaw basah before...??? of course you guys have... but have you tried to cook one before... hmmm.... so take out your pen and paper and try to copy this recipe dedicated especially for those who loves to cook...
me : so boss... whats the ingredients... can't wait to start....
boss : ok... the ingredients that you need are...
me : so boss... whats the ingredients... can't wait to start....
boss : ok... the ingredients that you need are...
boss : no.. cicap...
me : owh... kicap...
boss : betul... betul... betul...
me : ya.. ya.. like you... come far from Sibu.. of course its you... boss..
boss : ok... oredy copy...????
me : wait... wait...
boss : haiya... so slow la you... customer starving oredy...
me : ok... ok...
1. fry the kueh tiaw with cicap and oyster sauce first... fry it until the mee is soft oredy...
put aside the mee after finish...
put aside the mee after finish...
3. add in boiling water... to make the soup or the 'basah' element in this kueh tiaw...
boss : how's the kueh tiaw..???
me : sedap... more sedap than mee sedap...
boss : hahahaha... (dengan bangga) look who's cooking... see the leg la...
me : ya... ya... you're the boss... later cook again k...
boss : no prob... later i open a stall in bunga raya... don't forget to come..
me : (panjang la pulak cerita dia ni) ok la boss... i go interview ur customer... bye... see you later..
boss : see you when you see me...
me : sedap... more sedap than mee sedap...
boss : hahahaha... (dengan bangga) look who's cooking... see the leg la...
me : ya... ya... you're the boss... later cook again k...
boss : no prob... later i open a stall in bunga raya... don't forget to come..
me : (panjang la pulak cerita dia ni) ok la boss... i go interview ur customer... bye... see you later..
boss : see you when you see me...
hanifu : hohoho... kesedapannya hingga menjilat ibu kaki...
me: wah... over la pulak... you..??
abang deng : me... eating this is like falling in love again... huhuhu...
me : wah... jiwang... ok.... thats all for now.... meet me next time with another recipe to share with you... like people says "majulah memasak untuk mengisi perut" tq...
i was drooling while scrolling down ur blog ;p lol
foods.... foods.... i love foods...
drooling while scrooling... hmmm... at least u didn't eat up ur keyboard or mouse... hahaha...
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